A better world with Public Administration



The Public Admiistation carreer can make the world a better place because it affects state actions and how it sees society and identifies problems. The latter is vital because depending on the perspective in wich society is seen, problems will be identified and thus will provide an efficient solution without wasting resources. I can help in this process by training myself as a good research profesional and also as an active person in society to see as many realities as posible. In this respect, the public adminstration will see all the actors involved in a problem and turn the impact it has on the place where  it will be implemented, and ofcourse always acting with probity, that is fundamental in this major.

More specifically, the public adminsitartion could put  and end to the waste acumuated with a mandatory recycling programme. It might be ideal to implement it in some comunes in principle and to see how this evolves and expand proportionally across the country.


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